Write A Program To Print Hello World Using Lex


How to write lex program ?

first write a lex program in notepad then save with .l extension. next step is open cmd(Command prompt) then open directory in which your program is saved. then 3 step to run lex program let's see

  1. flex filename.l
  2. gcc lex.yy.c
  3. a.exe


("hi"|"HI")"\n" {printf("\nHello Sir,Good Morning\n");}
("bye"|"BYE")"\n" {printf("\nBye, Take Care\n");}
. {yyerror();}
int main()
return 0;
int yywrap(void)
return 0;

int yyerror(){
printf("Enter hi,HI,bye or BYE");


in output when successful compile then just type hi,HI,bye and BYE and lex program is give you replay which is set by you.


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